/manager/Index ${session.getAttribute("locale")} 5 Suppressing a putative sterol carrier gene reduces plasmodesmal permeability and activates sucrose transporter genes during cotton fiber elongation /manager/Repository/uon:32469 Gossypium hirsutum) fibers. In contrast to wild-type fiber PDs, which opened at 5 to 10 d postanthesis (DPA) and closed only at 15 to 25 DPA, plants with suppressed GhSCP2D expression had reduced sterol contents and closed PDs at 5 through 25 DPA. The GhSCP2D-suppressed fibers exhibited callose deposition at the PDs, likely due to reduced expression of GhPdBG3-2A/D, which encodes a PD-targeting β-1,3-glucanase. Both GhPdBG3-2A/D expression and callose deposition were sensitive to a sterol biosynthesis inhibitor. Moreover, suppressing GhSCP2D upregulated a cohort of SUT and SWEET sucrose transporter genes in fiber cells. Collectively, our results indicate that (1) GhSCP2D is required for GhPdBG3-2A/D expression to degrade callose at the PD, thereby contributing to the establishment of the symplasmic pathway; and (2) blocking the symplasmic pathway by downregulating GhSCP2D activates or increases the expression of SUTs and SWEETs, leading to the switch from symplasmic to apoplasmic pathways.]]> Wed 06 Jun 2018 14:11:15 AEST ]]> Posttranslational elevation of cell wall invertase activity by silencing its inhibitor in tomato delays leaf senescence and increases seed weight and fruit hexose Level /manager/Repository/uon:7716 Sat 24 Mar 2018 08:41:38 AEDT ]]> A subsidiary cell-localized glucose transporter promotes stomatal conductance and photosynthesis /manager/Repository/uon:45486 Fri 28 Oct 2022 14:50:18 AEDT ]]>